The Octopus – Alien of the Deep!


“I got this book for my five year old daughter and she loves the photos. And so do I. This is a beautiful book and one that I enjoyed reading to her, even though it’s obviously above her reading level.” Proud Mother of One (Amazon Review)

Octopus Beak and Tongue

Close up images of an octopus’ beak and tongue – the tongue is actually called a redula.

The Octopus and the Beer Bottle

This shows how being an invertebrate means octopuses can squeeze into the smallest spaces.

Octopus Vs. Snake Eel BATTLE!!!

A video showing how an octopus hides before attacking its unsuspecting prey.

Amazing Mimic Octopus

This shows the amazing skills and movements of a Mimic Octopus.

Octopus Kills Shark

A Giant Pacific Octopus Kills a Spiny Dogfish Shark

Giant Pacific Octopus Hatch Sept 2010

Watch a huge batch of larval octopus hatch.

Giant Pacific Octopus Shows its Neurons off

A giant Pacific octopus demonstrates its intelligence.

When we created our new book ’25 of the Most Poisonous Animals in the World’, we added a brand new page on the website. It contains four new octopus videos showing the beautiful but very deadly blue ringed octopus.

We also added the ‘Dumbo Octopus‘ page to the website when we created the ‘The 25 Weirdest Animals in the World!’ book.

Want more? Visit:
15 Interesting Facts about the Octopus …
Top 10 Examples of Awesomely Interesting Octopus Behavior!
10 Dumbo Octopus Facts & Adaptations!
The Amazing Octopus – Questions Answered!
Octopus Quiz!


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