Poisonous Animals Quiz

Poison Dart Frog

You think you know everything about venomous and poisonous animals? Take this test and see if you can identify ten creatures that carry poison in their bodies but are only dangerous when eaten or touched.

Poison Dart Frog
Poison Dart Frog (Dendrobates azureu) by cliff1066™ (CC BY 2.0)

True or False?

1. The floral snake is the only snake that is venomous but not poisonous as it only eats flowers.



2. Butterflies can never carry a poison.



3. You can die by eating goose – the spur-winged goose in particular.



4. With its gorgeous colors, the brightly colored Pfeffer’s flamboyant cuttlefish is definitely harmless.



5. There are three known poisonous bird species and the Little Shrike Thrush is one of them.



6. Touching the skin of a common toad may cause vomiting, hallucination, paralysis and seizure.



7. When a millipede stinks, it means it releases toxins to defend itself from predators.



8. A rough-skinned Pacific newt carries the same toxin as that of the pufferfish.



9. The parrot, and not the hooded pitohui of New Guinea, has toxic feathers and skin.



10. The Spanish Fly is not a fly but a toxic blister beetle in bright green color.



Answers to Poisonous Animals Quiz

1. False. Also known as the tiger keelback snake, it acquires its poison from the poisonous toads that it eats.
2. False. Although they look delicate and pretty, the orange and black monarch butterfly is poisonous. Its eggs are laid on milkweed plants with toxic sap so when the eggs are hatched, the caterpillars feed on toxic milkweed plants.
3. True. Spur-winged goose, even when cooked, still contains the toxin from the blister beetles that it eats.
4. False. The color change actually signals poison.
5. True.
6. True.
7. True.
8. True.
9. False. Touching a hooded pitohui’s skin and feathers may cause skin tingling and numbness.
10. True.


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