Dangerous Desert Animals Quiz


How much do you know about the dangerous animals in the desert. Take this quiz and see if you know which desert animals to avoid.


True or False?

1. The Gila Monster lizard is lethal to humans because it injects a huge amount of venom into victims.




2. The long talons of ostrich are strong enough to disembowel their prey.




3. The red kangaroos that live in the deserts of Australia are the largest of all kangaroos.




4. A tarantula hawk wasp’s sting can paralyze you for about three hours.




5. The painful bite of a giant redheaded centipede is usually fatal.




6. A deathstalker scorpion’s sting is extraordinarily painful but it normally wouldn’t kill a healthy adult human.




7. The desert horned viper is among the most feared because it’s a descendant of Satan as it has an anvil-shaped head with satanic horns.




8. About 2,000 to 10,000 people are bitten by redback spiders in Australia every year.




9. You must play dead when you encounter a cougar in the desert. Cougars are not interested in eating dead bodies.




10. The venom of the Arizona Bark Scorpion is the most dangerous scorpion venom in North America.



Answers to Dangerous Desert Animals Quiz:

1. False. It’s a venomous lizard that delivers forceful and really painful bite but only injects small amounts of venom.
2. True.
3. True.
4. False. While a tarantula hawk wasp’s sting can indeed paralyze you, it will just be for about three minutes and not three hours.
5. False. Deaths are rare although the bite could be really painful and will itch or swell afterwards.
6. True.
7. False. They’re feared because their venom consists of 13 different toxins that could cause excessive bleeding, abdominal pain, kidney failure and heart irregularities.
8. True.
9. False. You’d be really dead if you decide to play dead with a mountain lion or cougar.
10. True. It can cause frothing at the mouth and breathing problems.


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