Spitting Cobra Facts Quiz



Aside from being venomous snakes, what else do you know about cobras? Take this quiz and learn more about these spitting snakes.

Indochinese spitting cobra
An Indochinese spitting cobra (Naja siamensis). By DocSean cc4.0

True or False?

1. Spitting cobras just spit venom, they do not bite.




2. Spitting cobras can spit their venom at a victim’s eyes with nearly perfect aim.




3. If a cobra’s venom hits your eye, you can go blind.




4. A spitting cobra’s venom isn’t harmful if it just hits you on the skin. It needs to get in your eye, or in an open wound or nostril for it to cause pain and damage.




5. Spitting cobras live in hot tropical areas like Southeast Asia and Africa.




6. Cobras spit their venom to strike a victim because their slow, sluggish movement prevents them from catching prey.




7. A cobra’s diet is limited to rats.




8. All cobras are large and long. You can’t find a spitting cobra with a length below 8 feet (2.4 meters).




9. The Philippine cobra is the world’s deadliest cobra.




10. The rinkhals, or the ring-necked spitting cobras, are not true cobras.



Answers to Spitting Cobra Facts Quiz:

1. False. They still have teeth and can bite their victims depending on situation.
2. True.
3. True.
4. True.
5. True.
6. False. Cobras move very fast.
7. False. These cannibals are opportunistic hunters. They will eat whatever prey comes their way: they eat other snakes as well as birds, bird eggs, frogs and even insects.
8. False. The Mozambique spitting cobra is the smallest species of spitting cobra, measuring about 4 feet (1.2 meters) long.
9. True. It is also the 3rd most dangerous snake in the world, as it can spit venom for as far as 9.8 feet (3 meters).
10. True. The rinkhal is the cobra’s close relative. It is hooded like a cobra but does not belong to the same genus as it does not reproduce by laying eggs. Rinkhals give birth to live young.


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