Sei Whales


…Amazing Animal Books

Sei Whales are featured in the following book:
‘101 Facts… Whales’

The YouTube video below is a collection of 6 videos about Sei Whales. The list of videos featured is underneath.

The Playlist:

  1. Sei Whale Feeding Frenzy – Blue Planet by BBCWorldwide
  2. Sei Whales by WAspearfisherman
  3. Sei whales surfacing close to our catamaran by Korpöga Eriksson
  4. Sei Whale, Balaenoptera borealis off Madeira, Portugal by Wind Birds
  5. Underwater close up with a Sei Whale and her calf, Funchal Madeira by MrNiceClips
  6. Sei Whale Gloucester MA by bairdssparrow


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