Blue Shark Quiz

Blue shark, Prionace glauca

Blue Shark Quiz – What do you know? Test your knowledge of blue sharks with this quick quiz.

(Discover more facts about Blue Sharks here: 10 Blue Shark Facts)


Blue shark (Prionace glauca). Author: Mark Conlin, SWFSC Large Pelagics Program, PD image.

True or False?

1. The blue shark is white on top and bright blue on the underside.



2. The two different body shades are there to prevent the shark being seen easily.



3. The females are on average 7 to 10 feet (2.1 to 3 meters) long.



4. Females are smaller than the males.



5. Blue sharks prefer to live near shorelines.



6. Blue sharks are solitary fish, only meeting other blue sharks to mate.



7. Blue sharks favorite food are sperm whales.



8. Blue sharks are viviparous, which means their young develop inside a placenta, just like in mammals, and then they are born as live young, or pups.



9. Blue sharks are sometimes eaten by sea lions and seals, who eat just their stomach and liver.



10. Blue sharks do not do well in captivity, the maximum length a captive blue shark has been kept is seven months.



Answers to the Blue Shark Quiz:

1. False. It is dark blue on top, which is where it gets its name from, and grayish on the underside.
2. True.
3. True.
4. False. Females are larger than the males.
5. False. Blue sharks are pelagic sharks, which means that they are found in open waters.
6. False. Blue sharks live in small groups called schools.
7. False. Blue sharks prefer to eat squid and they often travel to the squids’ breeding grounds in order to hunt.
8. True.
9. True.
10. True.


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