Awesome polar bears are some of the most beautiful creatures in the world!
10 Chilling Polar Bear Facts
Awesome and beautiful polar bears are some of the most amazing...
6 incredible facts about giraffes
When you think about giraffes, you immediately think of one word: huge! These large, but...
Top 10 amazing things you didn’t know about penguins
Penguins are one of the most recognisable animals in the world. All penguins live in...
8 amazing facts about elephants
8 amazing facts about elephants
These big eared creatures are lovable and fun. But did you...
8 fascinating facts about cheetahs
8 fascinating facts about cheetahs
What do you know about cheetahs? These beautiful big cats, found...
Weird Facts
Yoda was partially modeled on Albert Einstein.
Stuart Freeborn, the make-up supervisor for the original Star Wars trilogy, first modeled Yoda's face after his own but was dissatisfied so he added...
The mother of Marcus Brutus was Julius Caesar’s lover.
Julius Caesar had thee wives and several lovers, one of which was Servilia, whose son, Marcus Brutus went on to participate in Caesar's murder....
Giant Anteaters’ huge sense of smell.
Giant anteaters have very bad eyesight, but they can use their nose to help them get around the dark forest floor of the Amazon....
Women talk about 20,000 words per day – 13,000 words more than men.
According to a pyschiatric study, women talk 20,000 words per day while men talk only 7,000 words. The researchers at the University of Maryland...
It rains diamonds on Neptune
Scientists believe the frequent release of methane into Neptune's atmosphere and the high temperatures of its surface may well lead to diamonds being formed...